RML’s IEEE World Haptics Conference Demo success
June 2015, Wednesday

Our hardware demonstration (Localized Multi-finger Electrostatic Haptic Display, Emgin, S.E, Ege, E.S., Birer, Ö., Basdogan, C.) was selected as one of the four finalists (out of 48 demonstrations) for the best demonstration award in IEEE World Haptics Conference, June, 2015, Chicago.

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Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments (MIT Press) (2015)
May 2015, Monday

Prof. Basdogan will serve as an Associate Editor for the journal Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments (MIT Press) (2015). We have many highly-cited publications in the journal and the pictures of one of them had appeared in the cover of Feb 2007 issue.

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Graduation of Mehmet Ayyildiz
March 2015, Wednesday

The RML celebrated the graduation of Mehmet Ayyildiz, who successfully defended his thesis and received a PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering (March 2015). From left to right: Senem Ezgi Emgin (Ph.D. student), Prof. Dr. Cagatay Basdogan, Mehmet Ayyildiz (Ph.D.), Yusuf Aydin (Ph.D. student), Mohammad Ansarin (M.S. student), Yasemin Vardar (Ph.D. student), Fatma Virdil Ayyildiz (M.S.), Ipek Toker (Ph.D. student), Ozan Caldiran (Ph.D. student).

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Our laboratory was featured in CNN Turk (2014)
September 2014, Saturday

“Yeni Ufuklar”, the Turkish version of BBC World’s widely acclaimed “Horizons” documentary series on science and innovation, is now aired on CNN Türk to meet with the Turkish auidience. The program, which is scheduled to take place as a series of 8 episodes, will be highlighting a new scientific or technological innovation in a specific field in Türkiye. The very first episode, where Koç University Engineering Professor Çağatay Başdoğan was featured with his research on Haptics and Robotics, was broadcasted on Saturday, September 20th. To have a look at this recent episode, please follow the link.

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Two Invited Talks
August 2014, Monday

Prof. Basdogan gave invited talks, entitled as “Haptic Communication for physical Human-Robot Interaction”, at the 11th International Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR), August 2014 and also at IEEE International Symposium on Haptic-Audio-Visual Environments (HAVE) and Games, October 2013.

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Academic Excellence Award
August 2013, Sunday

ongragulations to our member Ayse Kucukyilmaz (PhD) for receiving the Academic Excellence Award, given to one graduate student only at Koc university every year for her/his academic achievements and thesis work. Ayse received her award from the director of the graduate programs for College of Engineering and Sciences during the graduation ceremony (2013).

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Prof. Dr. Basdogan was appointed as a full professor.
May 2013, Saturday

RML has reached to its largest size ever.Bottom row (from left to right): Yusuf Aydın (Ph.D. student), Ozan Caldıran (Ph.D. student), Cigil Ece Madan (M.Sc. Student), Ezgi Senem Emgin (Ph.D. student), Buket Baylan (M.Sc. student); Middle row: Mehmet Ayyildiz (Ph.D. student), Soner Cinoglu (M.Sc. student), Yasemin Vardar (Ph.D. student), Prof. Cagatay Basdogan, Nasser Arghavani (Ph.D. student), Enes Selman Ege (Ph.D. student); Top row: Omer Sirin (Ph.D. student), Ehsan Sadraei (Ph.D. student), Mohammad Ansarin (M.Sc. student), Khurram Saleem (Ph.D. student).

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Associate Editor-in-Chief
May 2013, Saturday

Prof. Basdogan will serve as the Associate Editor-in-Chief for IEEE Transactions on Haptics.

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Keynote Talks
May 2013, Saturday

Prof. Basdogan has given keynote talks at CASA 2013 (26th International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents), Istanbul-Türkiye and also at SVR 2013 (XV Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality), Cuiaba-Brazil. The title of his talks is “Six Not-So-Easy Pieces of Medical Simulation and Training”.

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The haptic stylus developed by graduate student Atakan Arasan
April 2013, Sunday

The haptic stylus developed by graduate student Atakan Arasan (on the right), Prof. Metin Sezgin (on the left), and Prof. Cagatay Basdogan (in the middle) is under consideration for international patent (handled by http://www.inventram.com/). The related technical work is presented at IEEE World Haptics Conference, Daejeon, S. Korea (Arasan, A., Basdogan, C., Sezgin, T.M., 2013, “Haptic Stylus with Inertial and Vibrotactile Feedback”, Proceedings of IEEE World Haptics Conference, April 14-18, Daejeon, pp. 425-430).

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Two recognition plaques from Turk Telekom
September 2012, Tuesday

“Vibrotactile Haptics” group of Robotics and Mechatronics Laboratory (RML) presented the world’s first haptic kiosk at Turk Telekom R&D Workshop, Sapanca, September 2012. From left to right: Buket Baylan (MS student), Ugur Aridogan (PhD student), Enes Ege Selman (PhD student), Ezgi Senem Emgin (PhD student), Prof. Cagatay Basdogan.

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Graduation Ceremony
August 2012, Saturday

RML celebrates the graduation of (from left to right) Yusuf Aydın (MS), Ayse Kucukyilmaz (PhD), Buket Baylan (MS), Atakan Arasan (MS) and Cıgıl Madan (MS).

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