Pouya Pourakbarian Niaz Research Assistant
(M.Sc Student)
Office: Eng-259
Phone: +90 545 256 43-49
E-mail: pniaz20`{`at`}` ku.edu.tr Website



M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering, KOC University, 2020-present

B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering, University of Tabriz, 2012-2016

Work Experience HVAC Systems Engineer, Frame Sazeh Co (2016-2018)
Laboratory Assistant and Attendant, Advanced Service Robotics Lab, University of Tehran Faculty of New Sciences and Technologies, Tehran, Iran (2018-2020)
Part-Time English Language Instructor, Gofteman Language Institute, Tabriz, Iran (2014-2018)
Research Interests
Robotics, Mechatronics, Human-x Interaction, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Automation, Haptics & Virtual Reality
Hardware and Software Skills Advanced: CATIA, SolidWorks, MATLAB, C++
Intermediate: COMSOL, Python,
Novice: Siemens Simatic S7 PLC, Atmel AVR Microcontrollers, Arduino, Java, Julia

Gyroscope design and build

Twin-outlet reduction electromotor-gearbox design and build

Electrohydraulic Pipe Inspection Robot

Design and Construction of a Modular and Supplementary Mechanism for Increasing the Mobility of Wheeled Pipe Inspection Robots

Shape-Memory-Alloy-Actuated Pipe Inspection Robot

Dynamic Modeling and Sliding-Mode Control of a Tractor-Trailer Wheeled Mobile Robot with Skidding Effects on the Wheels

Design and Analysis of a Microstrain gauge in form of a comb drive electrostatic actuator coupled to a capacitive force sensor

Journal Articles
Developing an adaptable Pipe Inspection Robot using Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) actuators
A. Hadi, A. Hassani, K. Alipour, R. Askari Moghadam, P. Pourakbarian Niaz
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2020
KUIS AI Lab Fellowship, October 2020
TUBITAK Project Scholarship, January 2020
Distinguished Employee Badge, FrameSazeh Co, May 2017