Ceyhun Ibolar Research Assistant
(Ph.D. Student)
Office: Eng-259
Phone: +90 212 338 – 2637
E-mail: cibolar20 `{`at`}` ku.edu.tr Linkedin



Ph.D. / Mechanical Engineering, Koç University (2020-Present)

M.Sc./ Mechatronics Engineering, Yildiz Technical University (2017-2020)

B.Sc. / Mechatronics Engineering, Sakarya University (2013-2017)

Work Experience Full time:

Research and Teaching Assistant  – Koç University (10.2020 – Present)

Mechatronics Engineer – Altinay Technologies         (01.2020-10.2020)

Control and Simulation Engineer  -Baykar Technologies (2019-2020)

Intern at ABB Robotics (2016 Summer)

Intern at Metro Istanbul (2015 Summer)

Research Interests
Robotics, Control and Simulation, Machine Learning, Autonomous System
Hardware and Software Skills C, C++, MATLAB/Simulink, C# & Unity, Python
Projects Speed and direction control of the tennis ball machine according to heart rate

Driver Posture Recognition and Machine Learning-Based Posture Estimation,

Awards Türkiye Scholarship (2013-2017)

Türkiye Scholarship & KUİŞ AI Lab Fellow (2020-Present)