“Vibrotactile Haptics” group of Robotics and Mechatronics Laboratory (RML) presented the world’s first haptic kiosk at Turk Telekom R&D Workshop, Sapanca, September 2012. From left to right: Buket Baylan (MS student), Ugur Aridogan (PhD student), Enes Ege Selman (PhD student), Ezgi Senem Emgin (PhD student), Prof. Cagatay Basdogan.
Our group received two recognition plaques from Turk Telekom during the Turk Telekom R&D Workshop held in Sapanca, September 2012: one is for the patent application filed on “Vibrotactile Haptics for Touch Screens” and the other is for making steps towards the commercialization of our technology on the same subject.